Sunday 29 April 2012

Hi all,

please please find it in your heart to donate i don't ask for much i want to be able to hold my head up high to achieve my goal i am not going to beg or plead those who see this will probably have had someone taken from them to soon . You will understand the hard work those at Sobell house  do despite there own families friends and trauma themselves they really stand up and help those in there respite there last few weeks days hours etc. the work they put in is way above anything , i take my hat of to them they are angels, heroes .

So please sit back and think of what you would like to happen if anyone in your family has to go into Sobell house or have respite etc. they need our support ................

By now you all will be aware of my illness and that i am constantly in pain and i walk with a stick and some days i cant get out of bed at all. i don't want pity or sympathy i am not doing this to look good . This will be a battle for me in its self i will not know how i will feel on the day it changes from minute to minute i could be great or i could barely walk but i WILL do this i know Michelle will be there watching supporting me from above.

Friday 27 April 2012

the journey so far

time is flying so fast, i am starting to get excited  and slightly nervous at the same time. i am walking as much as i can to get used to walking for a longer period of time. The  M.E is trying to fight my ambition but i wont give in i don't have time to give in to it.As for the Fibromyalgia  the pain kills and it always hits me at the wrong time but i know if i keep persevering i will overcome it.  i am also pottering around a little more with not using my stick but i wont be foolish if i need to use it i will. Have purchased a Mad Hatters as the theme is Alice in Wonderland.

Please take time to read my Blog to donate some money does not matter how small every penny counts. you never know when or if you will need there comfort understanding, as a patient or relative or friend they  do not just care  and support the patient they support the whole family and friends.

Wednesday 18 April 2012

Hi all its been a while , i have been taking two forward one back ,But i am not going to give up.The gym sessions are going reasonably well and i do enjoy going yayyy!!! . Even tho i nearly came of the treadmill was so funny luckily everyone was behind  me so i could not see who was laughing i tried to carry on  and hoped nobody saw . that's what you get for trying to walk without holding on and lapse in concentration. i am still excited about the event only 80 days left.

although i am doing this walk in in memory of my dear friend Michele i am also doing this for my mother in-law who passed  yr ago and all my other relatives who have died in the past with cancer.

Sunday 26 February 2012

Sunday 26.02.2012

well this is my first day of doing my given work out at the gym, so far so good , am wee bit tired time will tell come the morning.
I have ME and fibromyalgia so this walk is going to be a huge challenge i am going to have to learn to pace myself, do what i can when i can i will never give up i have so much to gin from doing this walk, i walk with a stick but i am hoping to get fit enough to maybe walk some of the way without it.
i am also hoping by doing this walk i will get fitter and able to cope much better day to day and not tired all the time.